To our great concern we saw on Facebook how Willem Engel, leader of the protest group “Viruswaarheid” has made a photo of the Amsterdam monument Vrouwen van Ravensbruck and has placed this photo next to his post. Viruswaarheid compares its struggle against the Dutch coronameasures to the resistance of the Women of Ravensbruck.
*We, the Dutch Ravensbruck Comitee (CVR), are disassociating ourselves fully from Engels use of our monument. * Ofcourse everyone has the right to protest against Corona measures, but it is definitely unacceptable to compare this “resistance” to the brave resistance and unmeasurable suffering of the women of Ravensbruck, of whom many has lost their lives as a consequence. That Viruswaarheid is making this comparison is very disrespectful and tasteless towards victims, survivors and relatives and proofs a total absence of historical consciousness.
We demand that Viruswaarheid (and also Facebook) will remove the photo of the R. Monument as soon as possible and will refrain from any further connection toRavensbruck (and resistance in World War II in general).
Signed: Comite Vrouwenconcentratiekamp Ravensbruck (CVR), Agnes Dessing, Danique van Wijk, Hans Bijdam, Damien Sandee