International Committee on Ravensbrück
Statute, adopted by the general assembly of the committee on May 24, 1996, altered in paragraph 8 at the general assembly on May 19, 1999.
Paragraph 1: It was founded by the members with the statute of a non-profit organization in accordance with the law dated July 1, 1901. It is named:
“International Committee on Ravensbrück”
Paragraph 2: This association aims to secure the protection and integrity of the historic traces and the remembrance of the former women’s concentration camp in Ravensbrück and its satellite camps, to preserve the memory of the inmates imprisoned and killed there, to watch over the defense of moral and material rights of the survivors and the families of the dead, to secure the companionable relations between them, to inform the successive generations and to contribute to the preservation of peace.
Paragraph 3: The symbolic headquarter is in Ravensbrück, city of Fürstenberg (Germany), the address of the association is „Comité International de Ravensbrück“, 10, rue Leroux, 75116 Paris. The headquarter can be relocated through an ordinary resolution of the general assembly.
Paragraph 4: The continuity of the association is unlimited.
Paragraph 5: Active members of the association are the delegated representatives of the national associations or groups of former inmates or families of those killed in the camp of Ravensbrück. Membership in the association needs to be approved by the association’s plenary meeting.
Paragraph 6: Membership is forfeited by exiting the association or one of its national groups.
Paragraph 7: The committee’s sources of income are as follows: payment of shares of the national associations and groups, subsidies from the federal government, European and international institutions, donations by individuals or corporations interested in the aims represented by us
Paragraph 8: The committee is led by a managing board. The members of the board are elected individually by the general assembly for 4 years, re-election is possible. If a board member resigns or is otherwise inhibited before the end of the 4 years, a successor can be elected for the remaining time.
The managing board consist of: the president, the vice presidents, the general secretary and deputy, the treasurer and deputy.
Paragraph 9: The committee meets once a year for its general assembly in one of the European countries by invitation of the president or secretary general.
Paragraph 10: The meeting of the general assembly includes the members of the managing board, representatives of the national associations and groups which are members of the committee and the director of the memorial at Ravensbrück. The president chairs the meeting and delivers the accountability report, the representatives present their actions and proposals, the treasurer delivers his/her report and is disencumbered with the approval of the committee.
Paragraph 11: An extraordinary session of the general assembly can be called by the president if it appears necessary.
Paragraph 12: In case of dissolution, declared by at least 2/3 of members present at the general assembly, one or more liquidators will be named by the same, the association’s assets will be returned as the law stands.
These statues were officially put down at the public order office in Paris on May 28, 1996 under the registration number 1482 and published in the law gazette of the republic of France on June 6, 1996.