The Ravensbrück International Committee supports Afghan women


The Ravensbrück International Committee, represented today by the second and third generation of women who were deported to this Nazi women's concentration camp, is tasked with to safeguard its memory, but to ensure that this memory does not remain relegated to history, it has a duty to render the voices of witnesses are current whenever, in any part of the world, women's rights are trampled on. For this reason the Committee expresses its firm condemnation of the terrible events that are taking place verifying, for about a month, in Afghanistan against women. The signi ficant conquest of rights of the last 20 years, after the fall of the previous Taliban government, is was canceled in a few days. The precipitate of events took us by surprise, but the succession of events made a plan clear preconceived that has not in the least, and guiltily, taken into consideration that the return of the Taliban it would have women as the first victims of a new obscurantism. The female population was suddenly denied access to study and work, they were imprisoned in house and obliged to wear the full veil to go out only accompanied by a male member of the family, with the well-founded fear, for girls and young widows, of being forced into marriage with a mujahideen. The delegates of the Committee support Afghan women who, with great risk to their safety, demonstrate and support a civil resistance against the Taliban government on the strength of the achievements obtained in the previous years which they do not intend to give up. Once again we are witnessing a war being fought on the body of women. Orvieto, September 20th 2021 IRK-CIR President Ambra Laurenzi